Local philanthropists dine with Mina Chang

A group of philanthropic women came together to celebrate and get to know Mina Chang, CEO of Linking the World.  A private room at Seasons 52 City Centre was filled with a powerhouse crowd of leaders in the community.  Each and every one of them either heading their own non-profit, on the board of one or two, chairing galas, or just giving their time and money for great causes.

But this evening wasn’t about them, it was about Mina Chang and the non-profit she represents.   At only 30 she is wise beyond her years.  Mina Chang the child of Salvation Army officers was exposed to the entire economic spectrum around the world and immersed in social programs.  It was then that she learned the importance of preserving dignity while providing aid and how long term trusted relationships save and change lives.  While spending a few years as a pop star in Korea, she got asked to be an ambassador for Linking the World, and in 2012 she became CEO and moved the international headquarters to Dallas.  Since taking over she has helped with expanding focus on strategic partnerships and the innovative field uses of technology for situational assessment in disaster response.   Ms. Chang has recently been named UNESCO cross-cultural ambassador for the U.S. Federation, a 2012 CBS Humanitarian of the Year – national “Women that Soar” recipient, and the 2013 Young and Philanthropic Award honoree by Patron Magazine.   Look forward to an interview with Mina Chang in our next issue.


More about Linking the World

 Linking the World through Aid, Empowerment and Advocacy

Since 1997, Linking the World has been saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places.  Our mission is to deliver humanitarian aid that builds communities marked by self-reliance, sustainable infrastructures and lasting change.   Our field teams live and work in targeted response geographies, acting as trusted friends and neighbors, laboring shoulder-to-shoulder sowing seeds of hope and resilience.

Around the world, in the most vulnerable places, we are agents for lasting change.  It’s real.  It’s permanent.  It’s hope that cannot be stopped.  Because it beats in the hearts of the people we serve.  It never quits. It never sleeps.

The 3 Pillars of Hope

§  Delivering Humanitarian Aid

§  Empowering Communities

§  Advancing Advocacy and Education

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