Comicpalooza has come and gone, like a flash to many. A rainy weekend in Houston, but still many comic book and sci-fi lovers made the trek to downtown Houston to experience the con first hand. Within minutes of parking in the vicinity, I could tell that this was going to be a fun event, but I didn’t know how full and varied the crowd would be. Sure I expected many super heroes, and of course there were, including numerous Spidermen and Spiderwomen of all ages. There were also plenty of storm-troopers throughout the first floor, which was a really magical space full of booths chock full of collectibles, art, comics, astronauts, robots, a mach 5, and an immense autograph area to accommodate the huge list of guests for this years con. I came across kids of all ages, and kids at heart. It was a great event for families, the casual fan and serious fans alike. What really surprised me was the variety in the schedule. With a convention filling the entire GRB center, it’s no wonder, but still having a Quidditch game, next to a roller derby tournament, followed by a WWE match was very cool, and all next to a room with a continuous concert stage. The panel rooms were filled with table top gaming, educational panels, and more, but our favorite were the Q&A panels with guests. Laurie Holden was on Saturday, and she spoke not only Zombies, but really how she got started in acting, as well as her impressive work with human trafficking. We were able to sit in on the ones for Stan Lee who answered a long line of fans questions from his cameo appearances (and not talking about future ones), as well as his favorite Marvel heroes and villains (Spiderman and Dr. Doom respectively). Chloe Bennett charmed us at her Q&A, not only with her being Asian-American and representing a female role on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but her humor and personality was so down-to-earth. And the Gotham panel was epic, hosting several of the shows stars in one room, apparent by the presence of actual S.W.A.T. throughout the room.
Overall it was a great experience for us first-timers at Comicpalooza, there was enough going on to keep us interested the whole weekend. We’re already anticipating next years list of guests, but maybe we should also start thinking of some good costumes too. It’s all a part of the fun.
To find out more on what’s happening with Comicpalooza visit them at