Texas Showdown is the largest and longest running video fighting game tournament in Texas. The event was started in March of 2001 by Chris Chou and Javi Moreno at the University of Houston, and has continued for the past 14 years around various locales in Houston and Austin, Tx. Many of the top names in the Fighting Game Community have attended and competed at past Texas Showdowns, including Justin Wong, Ricky Ortiz, Alex Valle, Arturo Sanchez, Sanford Kelly, Combofiend, Seth Killian, John Choi, and many more. Texas Showdown has been affiliated in the past with the Evo tournament series, South By Southwest, and Major League Gaming.
Texas Showdown 2015

This year Texas Showdown is an official Ultra Street Fighter 4 Capcom Cup qualifier for the 2nd consecutive year. Tournaments also being held at the event are Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Guilty Gear Xrd, Mortal Kombat X, Killer Instinct, Smash Bros 4, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, BlazBlue, Persona 4 Arena 2, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. You can still sign up to compete at the tournament by visiting http://txshowdown.com. Or on site at the Sheraton Brookhollow Hotel on May 8–10, 2015.